If you have ever been in the position of having to choose a new four-legged friend to join the family, you will know that that is not an easy task at all! There are so many important things one has to think about when choosing a dog – particularly if you have young children to consider. Although dogs are known to be man’s best friend, you probably still don’t want your dog to scare away the neighbors and your children’s friends, and while most dogs can be trained (if you get them early enough!), some require more responsibility and training than others. Additionally, there is the matter of homeowners insurance which can go up significantly depending on your dog’s breed.

Dog Breeds That Could Dramatically Spike Your Homeowners Insurance
These little dogs look undeniably cute. And many assume that due to their small size they will be perfect for kids too. However, they are actually one of the more tenacious and strong-willed dog breeds and are quite difficult to train, particularly if they sense weakness in the human trying to train them. Probably trying to overcompensate for their diminutive size, Chihuahuas tend to be quite aggressive and jealous of small children as they aim to assert their dominance over the smallest members of the pack.
