Whether you’re working from home as a result of the global pandemic, or you’re still traveling into the office each day, finding new ways to live with sustainability in mind starts by turning your morning commute on its head. If you’re working from home permanently now, you will have lost your usual commute to work altogether, and with it, will already be making a big difference in carbon dioxide emissions and your individual carbon footprint. The key now is to start to use the time you would have been commuting for a physical activity, which will also be good for your health in the long run.If you do still have a commute in the morning, perhaps now is a good moment to envision some ideas you can try to switch up your usual routine for a healthy activity that is also good for the environment. The list below should give you some ideas about activities that can replace your commute if you work close to home, or inspire you to get more active in the “new normal” we are all living at the moment.

Easy On The Go Exercises To Replace Your Commute
Riding Bicycles or Scooting
Our first suggestion is to ditch the car and try riding a bike or (non-electric) scooter to work instead. This will not only give you a workout in the process, but will also allow you to move your body in anticipation of a long day of sitting in front of a computer screen. Riding a bicycle will also take you right back to your youth, when life was a little more carefree, lowering stress and giving you a mood boost before you start taking on the tasks you have to get to.
Roller Skating or Blading
Another option you can try is rollerblading, or if you’re a bit more old school, roller skating. While not everyone has the balance and stamina to take part in these activities, as your fitness levels increase you will find that it becomes easier and easier over time. A little bit of practice also goes a long way. We should also mention that your calves will thank you over the course of the coming months, and the activity itself will in all likelihood leave you in the best shape of your life too.

Roller Skating Or Blading
Another way to switch up your morning commute is to consider one of the most popular recreational activities in the world, namely, skateboarding. Industry expected to be worth $2.4 billion by 2025 in the US alone, you surely wouldn’t be the only person doing so. Skateboarding can be a great way to start your day, while also giving you access to a physical activity that is a lot of fun. Plan carefully for the hills on your new commute, and remember to wear arm, head and leg protection at all times
Last but not least, if the office is located close to home, or if you’re just looking to account for the time you used to commute before the lockdown with something more productive than plowing straight into your work, there can be nothing better (or easier) than a good old fashioned walk. People who walk even just a couple of times a week are known for having a better quality of life, prolonged lifespan and are less likely to fall into health risk categories like obesity in their lifetimes. Going for a walk, even if just a gentle stroll, can have a major effect on your life and is a great way to ditch the CO2 emissions once and for all.