Everybody knows that cooking is a skill that everyone does not possess. Various people want to ace this skill, but it seems pretty challenging to understand where to start. You will find multiple recipes quite simple and easy to get started with. There will be times when you want to prepare a quick dish and go on with the day. Everyone lives a hectic life, and no one has time and patience to prepare a dish that takes 1-2 hours in preparation. In this blog, we will discuss a few recipes that everyone will be able to train without any hassle. Now, let’s dive into a few options without any further adieu.

Simple Easy Recipes You Should Know Top Few Choices
Victoria Sandwich
Most people love a homemade sponge, and if you are planning on developing this skill, this sandwich is what you should start with. You might need to give it more than one tries to ace it. The dish will also be the perfect option if you will host multiple guests over.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
This recipe for the cookies is relatively easy, and you will not need to go through any complicated process. The homemade cookies will always top the ones you have brought from the market. You can also turn it into a family exercise where you help the kids. All you need to do is prepare a good size of cookie dough, and you can put it by keeping it in a protective film. You can bake anytime you want.
A little more complicated than the ones mentioned above, you will need to find some extra time if you have decided to prepare it. You will find it much better in taste if you qualify it at least a day before. All you need to do is keep it in the oven before serving.
Chicken Breast
Having chicken breast is one of the tastiest dishes that you can get. You can complement it with the stuffing to get a much better flavor. It will also be the perfect dish if you will have multiple guests over. The skillset you need to make this dish is not the easiest one. You will have the option of experimenting with different fillings as you are acing it over time.
Chocolate Fudge Cake
For those trying to prepare a cake dish, there is no reason it can’t be a chocolate one. If there’s any dish you must know if you have kids, it’s this one. For the cake base, you can go for the melted cocoa and the chocolate. You can also experiment quite a lot with the toppings.
Mac And Cheese
The easiest recipes you will find on the internet don’t require much of your time. It will be best served with a crunchier top and a cheesy sauce. A fresh and hot Mac & Cheese will always remain on top of the dishes one prefers on a chilled day. Once the simple recipe seems no hassle to you, you can go for the one where you add multiple veggies and other items.

Mac And Cheese
It is the best choice to have in the snacks category for breakfast or the afternoon. The recipe is relatively straightforward, where all you need to do is whisk all the ingredients in the butter and sugar mixture. Put everything in the muffin case and toss it in the oven to bake.