Here is a list of some of the ultimate snacks that are usually readily available in cinemas, and can seriously make your movie experience even better! We explain the benefits, or in some cases, the disadvantages, of some of our favorite movie treats.

The Ultimate Snack To Get In The Cinema
Of course, the top of our list is the ultimate movie treat – popcorn. Whether you prefer your salty or sweet, real butter or fake, this is the classic snack for any movie experience. In fact, if you avoid all the butter and salt (not 100% sure what is the point of popcorn otherwise but go with it…) popcorn is loaded with antioxidants, as well as packed with fiber. Popcorn is also a basically universally accepted movie theater snack, making it the ‘least offensive’ so that you can chomp away gluten-free!
Pic N Mix candy is another favorite. You can get a variety of whatever sweets you desire, or if you are with a friend with different tastes you can match and mix both of your favorite candy! Sadly the bag they come in often seems designed to make as much noise as possible!
Gummy Bears
These chewy sweets are another fantastic accompaniment to any movie experience. Not only do you avoid the loud crunching noise that comes with pretzels or popcorn in the movie theater but they are also not individually wrapped, giving them bonus points for the whole shared movie experience!
Salty Peanuts
Since peanut butter has not been mentioned yet and it is a definite favorite in any situation, salty peanuts are here to hold up the peanut end! Another great snack to munch on during movie time. Mostly because, like most other favorites, they are easy to devour one after the other while you are distracted with the film you are watching, as well as extremely yummy and salty!

Salty Peanuts
Nachos, Pretzels, and Ice Cream
Nachos, pretzels, and ice cream are more of our absolute favorite movie theater snacks, yes nachos can be a bit stinky, and pretzels can be a bit loud, and ice cream can, well, melt, but some things are just right because they are right, they just go together well! You can just chuck them all into your mouth fast enough, without causing any major distractions for others, as well as keeping your blood sugar high enough to stay well awake through three hours of moving images. Basically, everyone wins. Except for maybe cardiologists.