The Actors That Wish They Hadn’t Turned Down These Legendary Roles

Published on 03/16/2021

Brad Pitt – Spy Game Over The Bourne Series

You cannot talk about the most successful and renowned actors of modern Hollywood without mentioning Brad Pitt. Even the demigods of cinema can make cringeworthily human mistakes, however, such as when Pitt turned down the role of Jason Bourne to be in the rather boring spy film, Spy Games. Brad Pitt’s error was Matt Damon’s fortune, however, as the Bourne series catapulted Matt Damon’s career into stardom. No one could have done Jason Bourne better than Damon, and so it was a happy mistake for Brad.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt


Eddie Murphy – Holy Man Over Rush Hour

Jackie Chan has worked in both Hollywood and Hong Kong with a lifetime of international fame and fortune, but one of his most iconic roles was in the East meets West action-comedy, Rush Hour alongside Chris Tucker. He would have been partnering with Eddie Murphy, if the funnyman had not turned the role down to be in Holy Man. This was one of many blunders for Murphy, with Holy Man being just one awful film in a string of disastrous acting choices. If Murphy had decided that Rush Hour was worth his time, he might have been able to salvage his career as James Carter.

Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy