The Actors That Wish They Hadn’t Turned Down These Legendary Roles

Published on 03/16/2021

Brooke Shields – Sahara Over Scarface

When Scarface was being cast, the character of Elvira was initially going to be handed to Brooke Shields. But when the beautiful actress’s mother instructed her to turn it down in favor of Sahara, a desert adventure film, Brooke would soon find out that she should have ignored her mom. Michele Pfeiffer then stepped into a role that would do wonders for her career. As for Shields, she would be awarded the Worst Supporting Actor Razzie ‘award’, becoming the initial actress to ever be handed the comical title.

Brooke Shields

Brooke Shields


Jean Reno – Godzilla Over The Matrix

The French actor Jean Reno made a name for himself in Hollywood for the role of Leon in Leon the Professional, which prompted the Wachowski sisters to offer the role of Agent Smith to him for The Matrix trilogy. When Jean Reno’s refusal to flock to Australia stopped him from taking the role, a film featuring an oversized lizard came to the rescue. Rather than playing the po-faced agent in The Matrix, Reno starred as a po-faced secret agent in the creature feature Godzilla in 1998. Reno probably had some colorful French expletives in mind when he saw how well The Matrix ended up performing in the box office.

Jean Reno

Jean Reno