American Idol has become a household name in not only American homes but also around the world. Going over 17-seasons, people were generally glued to their TVs every week to get a taste of what their favorite stars were coming with. With internal competitions and the hype of things going around with the cash and kind prizes to include a recording contract, it was certainly more than a normal contest. However, interesting enough, not all the winners made it to the big screen compared to others who were just mere contestants. From the competition, here are a few of the successful contestants who made it out…

These American Idols Made Their Light Shine After The Camera Lights Went Off
25. Kimberley Locke
Two years after copping third place in the second season of American Idol, Kimberley Locke released her album titled “One Love” along with her debut single, “8th World Wonder”. Her song made it close to the top of Billboard’s Hot 100 list. A few years later, Locke decided to give it another try for the spotlight as she took part in Celebrity Fit Club’s fifth season in 2007. However, she decided to trade that position for a more discreet spot – behind the scenes. She started working with an entertainment company named I AM Entertainment” back in 2011, a firm which is focused on helping new and aspiring artists earn from their talent and passion. The singer’s estimated net worth to date is estimated at $1.5 million

Kimberley Locke
24. Haley Reinhart
Haley Reinhart is the true definition of a fighter and someone passionate and determined to get her goals accomplished. Reinhart didn’t get a chance to make it past the auditions of American Idol season nine. However, a year later, she gave it another shot and was placed third during the next season. After doing her thing for a while, Reinhart released a few albums which have shown her powerful voice in all effects. Reinhart has gotten a lot of recognition since appearing as Bill Murphy’s voice-over in the comedy series, F is for Family, where she did it for three seasons. Currently, she is working on another major project, “We Can’t Be Heroes,” a film produced by Robert Rodriguez. It will be released shortly on Netflix. The singer/actress estimated net worth is $1.5 million.

Haley Reinhart