Unique And Intriguing American Stadiums

Published on 02/10/2021

Temple University: Lincoln Financial Field

This is an example of an otherwise great stadium suffering under shoddy administrative problems. A traditional college stadium with the vibe ruined by the fact that it struggles to draw a dedicated or generally pleasant fan base. Being the ‘home’ stadium of the Temple University football team, the locale hosts the Philadelphia Eagles, as well as the Owls, who rent the stadium for their game days. While this is understandably a sound way in which to procure funding, it has left the stadium with a lack of real identity or the loyal fan base that a good stadium needs. For this stadium to see real improvement, it will need to take measures to establish a fan base. This is challenging when an important revenue stream comes by way of renting out to other teams, but the officials in charge will either need to overcome the challenge or find some clever solution to establish the stadium as a fan favorite with its own identity.

Temple University

Temple University


University of Arkansas: War Memorial Stadium

The Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium, Fayetteville sees the majority of the Razorbacks’ games these days. They do still return to the War Memorial Stadium, their original home stadium, for the occasional game. While this is a great move, and a contracted one at that, with an agreement that will see Razorback matches held at War Memorial Stadium until 2024, the problem lies in the facilities themselves. While many appreciate the historic significance of the venue, the upkeep and general facilities make it a less than ideal venue for fans.

University Of Arkansas

University Of Arkansas