André the Giant: The Marvellous Life That Was

Published on 03/26/2020

Love for the Shopping Channel

Perhaps due not being able to visit malls like ordinarily-sized people, as he was was constantly being gawked at, which was something that really bothered him, André got a lot of joy from buying QVC products according to his friends. Some even saying that towards the end of his life it became something of an addiction. André reportedly spent hours buying QVC products he didn’t need, showcasing his love for spending money, but especially on those in his inner circle. Never one to shy away from helping others out, he made a point of paying for dinner whenever he was in a restaurant with someone he cared about.

Dont Tell Andre Loved A Bit Of QVC

Don’t Tell Andre Loved A Bit Of QVC


André vs. The Terminator: Meal Time Square Off

A well-known story about André the Giant relates to him getting slightly agitated when during a dinner with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Wilt Chamberlain, the former snuck off and paid for the meal. It would not be long before he could enact his revenge, considering he had a thing about paying for meals. Walking Arnold to his car, André decided to pick him up in one swoop and place him on the roof of the car. This wasn’t difficult for the seven-foot plus André, who was used to lifting some of the heaviest objects possible. Many wonder if he delivered Arnold’s famous Terminator line as he walked off (probably not).

Andre Vs The Terminator Meal Time Square Off

Andre Vs The Terminator Meal Time Square Off