He glanced at the shopper’s grocery cart and became so enraged that he had to take a photo. It appeared to be a regular shopping excursion, yet he was unaware that he was on the verge of exiting the supermarket in a fit of fury. However, it was not the lengthy queues at the cash register nor the throng of shoppers in the produce section that caused him to lose his cool. It was neither the shrieking kids nor the dazed mothers pushing their shopping carts ahead of him like zombies. It was a cart belonging to another family, and when he looked inside, he completely lost control.

Doing Everything He Could
Patrick Gibson was diligent in his work and did all he could to provide for his small family. Upon his enlistment in the U.S. Army, he believed that life might become easier. He certainly found it hard to leave his family for months on end while serving his country, but if there was one lesson from his parents that stuck with him, it was that nothing came without a cost.

Doing Everything He Could