They say that you should begin a family as young as possible. Many celebrities disagree with this “rule,” having come into parenthood in many cases well past the 40-year mark. We have included celebrities who had children prior to turning 40 before deciding to put another bun in the oven, as well as those whose nests were empty until they reached maturity.

The 29 Celebrities Who Became Parents Past 40
1. Gwen Stefani
It was at 44 years of age that Gwen Stefani brought Apollo Bowie Flynn alongside former husband Gavin Rossdale into her world already filled with plenty of male offspring. Zuma and Kingston were birthed by Gwen throughout her 30s. Gwen Stefani was something of a pop sensation in the 90s and early 2000s, but today she is happily married and a mother to many children. She is a powerhouse of a woman and a business magnate.

Gwen Stefani