Celebrities Who Have Heavy-Duty Bodyguards That Will Make You Shiver

Published on 04/28/2022

Tom Hardy

No matter the size and shape of celebrities, they all need a bodyguard for that added security. The moment you become a celebrity, you develop a fan base, and there’s no way to tell what they could potentially do to you.

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy, an English actor, can be spotted on most occasions with his bodyguard”Big John” (pictured). This guard is known to travel with a folding knife at times as well as a high-powered flashlight to “blind” the eyes of potential attackers. With Big John as a bodyguard, people will stay clear of Hardy.



We are sure many of you have seen a lot of photos online showing billionaire Rihanna riding on the backs or shoulders of her bodyguards. Interestingly, numerous times while she’s at a concert and not able to get a good view, her security team steps up and helps her out.



They are known to get physical one time, as one of the bodyguards got in a physical altercation with a photographer who refused to get away from the star’s car outside a London club. There was another instance when a guard slammed a car door in Rihanna’s face!