Celebrities Who Have Heavy-Duty Bodyguards That Will Make You Shiver

Published on 04/28/2022

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is an actress-turned-singer, and she has been in the spotlight from a young and tender age, so it is not strange to her. However, the young star had to up her security team as back in 2019, an intrusive and angry fan tried to kiss her.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

To date, the star has been counting heavily on her guards to be by her side to help keep her unpredictable fans away. Lately, the celebrity was in a video that made headlines as she and her bodyguards had to fight off a large crowd of fans who had gathered outside her hotel while in New York City.


Floyd Mayweather

For the average celebrity bodyguard team, we know how they function and what their roles are. However, Floyd Mayweather, calls his entourage his “Money Team” and was given the name because they are responsible for carrying and guarding the large sum of money the star is known to take around with him.

Floyd Mayweather

Floyd Mayweather

The team sports “TMT” shirts and is considered loyal to the boxer as one is said to have taken a bullet for the star back in 2018. On most occasions, Mayweather is known to travel with anywhere from four to eight members of his security team.