Elvis Costello
Elvis Costello was born with a rather chunky name, “Declan Patrick MacManus. You might have guessed that Elvis took his name from the King of Rock ‘n Roll. But where does Costello come from? It was the stage name of his father, Day Costello. So, your two biggest male role models combined into one. With that much star power behind your new name, you are bound for stardom! Not to mention the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!

Elvis Costello
Liam Neeson
“William John Neeson” is the full name of the Taken star, who shortened the pleasant name to just Liam. Liam Neeson might have risen to an incredible popular appreciation after his role in the Taken films, where he played the kind of father that any daughter would be completely safe with. Neeson has played all manner of roles, from a Jedi in Star War Episode I, to the humanitarian businessman in Schindler’s List. He also is one of the best-paid actors of all time.

Liam Neeson