Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt is American film’s most essential heartthrob that is part of the elite inner circle of Hollywood’s most successful and renowned actors. He also changed his name from “William Bradley Pitt” to the simpler “Brad Pitt”. We must admit that his current name is far sexier and punchier, rolling off the tongue far better. Brad was formerly married to Angelina Jolie, whose combined troubled family life and Pitt’s apparent failures as a father and husband led to their inevitable split.

Brad Pitt
Aaron Paul
Born “Aaron Paul Sturtevant”, Aaron Paul did not exactly change his name, he just ditched the last part and took his middle name as his last. People seemed unable to get his original and rather tricky surname right, and so he decided to make his colleagues’ and fans’ lives easier. Aaron Paul first came to our attention in the monumentally acclaimed thriller drama series, Breaking Bad, where he played the troubled and volatile Jesse Pinkman.

Aaron Paul