Shonda Rhimes
Pleas from her children spurred Shonda to declare that she would lose 130 pounds. What many people fail to consider is how an individual’s intense weight can affect their loved ones. While many people will ignore their family members’ best wishes, Rhimes clearly listened to reason! She began by doing intense cardio programs that got her used to her new fitness regime. She paired this with a great eating plan and is progressing well.

Shonda Rhimes
Jonah Hill
This successful dieter needs all our accolades. Since we have seen him in Superbad, he has reinvented himself and it took us a while to realize who we were looking at! Sadly, Hill suffered an incredible amount of mockery and shaming for his body weight, and was locked into obesity by producers and directors who forced him to stay at an unhealthy size due to the ‘hilarity’ that it added to his comedic performances.

Jonah Hill