Kevin Smith
Kevin unveiled his new slim physique in 2015 after managing to drop 85 pounds. Our first glimpse of the new Kevin really reflected just how much 85 pounds is. To keep his new body in top shape, he is fanatical about clean eating and exercise. Kevin seems to have forgotten to get a whole new wardrobe, however, still sticking to his oversized hockey shirts. We love the hilarious director’s new image!

Kevin Smith
Jill Scott
There are so many types and ways to exercise or gym and we all have our favorite. Jill prefers boxing and biking and these activities resulted in a 70-pound loss for her. This is quite remarkable. If you are looking for a physical exercise that is guaranteed to shred the pounds and push you to your limits, then martial arts like boxing or kickboxing are a fantastic option. You will also learn how to defend yourself!

Jill Scott