Angie Stone
Here we have another member of the R&B Hall of Fame with Angie Stone. Diabetes type 2 is a modern lifestyle disease that is becoming more prevalent daily. Angie is one of the people that have this disease and the diagnosis prompted her to get healthy and lose body mass, to control her diabetes. She is on a stringent diet. We hope that she stays on this healthy path for years to come!

Angie Stone
Dr. Dre
The iconic rapper and producer, Dr. Dre, real name Andre Romelle Young, might have been one of the most fearsome and respected gangster rappers ever, but his street cred included a mighty propensity for the best fast food joints in America. While he might be in his fifties, Dr. Dre suddenly decided several years ago that he was going to work incredibly hard at the gym (and kitchen) to gain a phenomenal body. And he looks amazing! He certainly looks amazing after losing those 50 pounds.

Dr Dre