Paul Wall
Paul Michael Slayton, known to the public as Paul Wall, is one of America’s most recognized rappers in today’s Hip-Hop scenes. He was even nominated for a Grammy Award back in 2007. One day, he decided to transform himself from a tubby and badly dressed gangster-wannabe to a svelte and debonair gentleman. Seeing as Paul has lost so much weight, we wish he would rethink his baggy jeans. Showing a bit more of those new legs would only add to his now very attractive appearance.

Paul Wall
Jason Sudeikis
Husband of Olivia Wilde, Jason states that if were not for their energetic bedroom romps, his weight loss would not have been so successful. He fully credits Olivia for reaching his goal weight. Seeing as he disclosed this in a 2013 Elle magazine interview, we can see just how proud he is of his achievement. We hope that your stamina and performance have been boosted by your dedication to romance, Jason!

Jason Sudeikis