Alec Baldwin
It seems as if Alec has been a part of the industry forever. He made the wise decision to earnestly control his weight gain when he was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Things were clearly getting out of hand for the most famous Baldwin brother, as his propensity for over-eating and notorious sweet tooth were finally catching up with him. He still looked incredible, but clearly, things were getting out of hand at the Baldwin family’s dinner table.

Alec Baldwin
Mariah Carey
A lady with a big voice and an even bigger temperament, Mariah also seemed to be enlarging her body size over time. The good news is that she has changed her lifestyle to improve her health since then and has dropped over 70 pounds. While you might be shocked to see how curvy she became at one stage with the picture on the left, the transformation on the right is nothing short of jaw-dropping!

Mariah Carey