The Proof Is In The Pudding! How Much These Actors and Actresses Earned For Their Popular Commercials

Published on 06/16/2020

It can be hard to remember the early days of TV, when ads would be scheduled in between episodes of our favorite series. Some of the most memorable ads were scheduled between cliffhanger scenes, giving us a lot to think about during the break. While advertising can often lean towards the annoying side, there are a few iconic commercials that left their stories and stars imprinted in our minds. The paychecks that came with the roles for its various actors and actresses were often for staggering amounts, giving the stars a career boost and a sea of attention from fans. If you’ve ever been curious about exactly how much some of your favorite stars were paid for their iconic adverts, we’ve got you covered with a full list today. One famous face even earned over $150 million for a single endorsement. Any ideas on who took home the big bucks there? Let’s find out.

The Proof Is In The Pudding How Much These Actors And Actresses Earned For Their Popular Commercials

The Proof Is In The Pudding How Much These Actors And Actresses Earned For Their Popular Commercials


The Snapple Lady: $100 000

Wendy Kaufman had no idea that her role in the Snapple commercials would not only result in her becoming a household name, but soon she would be answering fan mail on behalf of her ‘Snapple Lady’ alter ego. Known by her ad agency for her attention to detail when dealing with fans, her appearance in advertisements in the 90’s saw their revenues soar from $23 million to $750 million. As with any good thing, it has to come to an end eventually, and when Snapple was acquired by a large conglomerate she lost the gig. Quaker Oats may have wanted to go in a new direction, but it didn’t work. Two years later, the Snapple Lady was hired again, earning a cool $100 000 during the course of her stint in the gig.

The Snapple Lady

The Snapple Lady