The Proof Is In The Pudding! How Much These Actors and Actresses Earned For Their Popular Commercials

Published on 06/16/2020

‘I’ve Fallen, And I Can’t Get Up Lady’: Pay Unknown

A wildcard on our list as her earnings have not been publicly revealed, we simply couldn’t leave this lady out of our list thanks to the iconic delivery of “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” in the well known LifeCall campaign. Edith Fore played the elderly Mrs. Fletcher, in a role that allowed her to turn a hip injury into commercial gold. In the first campaign, Mrs. Fletcher was advertising a necklace she was wearing, which allows the wearer to alert the LifeCall team should they take an unforeseen tumble and need additional assistance. Marketed at the elderly initially, her catchphrase would go on to capture the hearts of younger generations too, giving the brand exposure across a multitude of markets. Astonishingly, this was Edith’s first commercially successful role, at the ripe age of 70. Who says that dreams have an age limit?

Ive Fallen And I Cant Get Up Lady

Ive Fallen And I Cant Get Up Lady


The Jenny Craig Girl: Roughly $1.5 Million

Losing weight is a great achievement no matter who you are, but can you imagine being paid seven figures to do so? In the early 2010’s, Valerie Bertinelli landed a gig with Jenny Craig, which showcased the fact that she hadn’t been in a bathing costume for more than three decades. The ad showcased the way she looked before Jenny Craig, and how she looked after, having dropped almost fifty pounds. The commercial featured the hit line “nothing is stopping me from diving into this summer” and people were sold about the diet. As a result of the success of the first campaign, Valerie landed a spokesperson role and with it came a paycheck of $1.55 million. Talk about being inspiring for her personal transformation, as well as showing that with the right motivation and mindset, anyone can find success, even if it may not be in the places they first imagined.

The Jenny Craig Girl

The Jenny Craig Girl