The Proof Is In The Pudding! How Much These Actors and Actresses Earned For Their Popular Commercials

Published on 06/16/2020

The Toyota Girl: $1 Million

Raise your hand if you know who the Toyota girl is. We thought you might! Jan the ambitious employee, better known as Toyota girl, is a role that actress Laurel Coppock will always be affiliated with. A performance arts graduate, Laurel moved to Chicago to study improv comedy, which helped her get her quirky persona across on-screen during the series of commercials. It also landed her the attention of comedy casting directors in the business, leading to roles in The Office, Modern Family and Arrested Development. Many children dream about becoming actors or actresses and earning the big bucks. Laurel is proof that it is possible, taking home a seven-figure salary for her involvement in their ad campaigns. How’s that for something, mom and dad?

The Toyota Girl

The Toyota Girl


The ‘It’s Not That Complicated’ Guy: $250 000

Fans of Saturday Night Live will know Beck Bennett’s face already, but others may have been previously acquainted with him thanks to his role as the ‘It’s Not That Complicated’ guy in popular AT&T commercials. In the ad, he had to engage with kids in a classroom and talk to them about what the cellular company was able to offer. Some of the responses from the children were absolutely hilarious, and the entertaining ads started to gain more traction. Beck got a cool $250 000 for his involvement in these ads, which boasted his resume and led to stints on popular sitcoms like Arrested Development and more. Where to for Beck after Saturday Night Live? Only time will tell.

The Its Not That Complicated Guy

The Its Not That Complicated Guy