It is now becoming common knowledge that animals can help people, young and old, to cope with stressful or difficult situations. Dogs are particularly well-known for this and there are therapy dogs for nearly every situation you can imagine, from hyperactive disorders to suffering from seizures to overcoming PTSD. One type of therapy dog is actually there to assist children while testifying against their abusers in court, helping them feel safe.
Dog in Court
Even adults struggle with testifying in court, especially when sitting face to face with someone who wronged them, so imagine how much more of an ordeal that can be for a young child. A little girl was designated to take the stand and testify against a man who had abused her.

Dog in Court
Unable to Move
The moment the little girl saw the man who had wronged her, she was unable to move, she froze. No one could blame her for being so afraid, but it was crucial she testify in the trial. And this is where Karl the hero comes into the picture. The little girl gave the dog a sign, and he was there for her.

Unable to Move