Shocking Revelation For US Court Systems – Dogs Can Help Children Testify Against Their Abusers!

Published on 01/06/2019

Take a Moment

Although Karl has special needs, his deafness doesn’t stand in his way and he enjoys his life and his work as a therapy dog. He brings love and joy to everyone he comes into contact with; be they old or young, and is a perfect example of why people shouldn’t give up on dogs with special needs. His inability to hear actually works to his advantage, making him a wonderful court companion. Karl himself doesn’t know that he has an inability because that was just the way he was born, and when he is outside he loves to stop and smell the flowers and look at birds, a keen reminder to us all to slow down and stop and smell the roses as they say.

Stop And Smell The Roses

Take a Moment


An Assisting Paw

The K9th Circuit Therapy Dogs are there to “help make the sad things seem not so bad”. They are there to help give courage to the child who has to get up on the stand and give their testimony, and assist in making the process slightly easier.

A Helping Paw

An Assisting Paw