Bullmastiffs are another breed that can grow to be pretty large, and are often unaware of their size and strength. If they start running and you have small children around this can pose a potential risk as they could knock them down, and pretty hard, easily and without meaning to. They can also be pretty aggressive, more so than other breeds, but that can be managed if you train them early on. The older they are the harder they will be to train, even more so than other breeds, and they need strong leadership as they see their humans as the leaders of their pack.

Saint Bernard
This breed became famous thanks to the movie Beethoven. Saint Bernard looks like a big fluffy teddy bear, however, they are huge dogs and can be quite aggressive when they feel protective. They can also be trained, through their strong nature can make it difficult, and they tend to be instinctively protective over small children. However, their size can also be a problem for the little ones, as well as their aggression, when they become over-protective, also sometimes making your insurance policy more expensive.

Saint Bernard