Uncommon Facts About Iran That Might Surprise You

Published on 04/05/2020

Using The Correct Hand

If you’ve been invited into someone’s home, don’t be surprised if you find yourselves sitting on cushions and eating dinner with your hands. Remember, that it is customary to eat only with your right hands, and never with your left. In their culture, the left hand is exclusively used for the bathroom only.

Using The Correct Hand

Using The Correct Hand


A Sea of Housewives

A lot of people would love to work from home each day, and this is the case for many Iranian women, who fall into housewife roles as part of marital duty and obligation. This is not a walk in the park however, as any stay-at-home mom will tell you. From taking care of the kids, to cooking and keeping the house clean, they literally have their hands full at all hours.

A Sea Of Housewives

A Sea Of Housewives