Another Strange Coincidence
Soon after Katie welcomed baby Hannah into her home, she noticed something a bit strange. Hannah’s hospital bracelet had her mother’s name on it, which just so happened to be the same name that was on Grayson’s hospital bracelet. She scanned over Hannah’s discharge papers and discovered that the mother’s birth date was also similar to that of Grayson’s biological mother! This could not just be a coincidence, and Katie was going to find out.

Another Strange Coincidence
Hannah also had a very similar medical history as Grayson as they had both been exposed to illegal substances. “[The caseworkers] told me her story, which was really similar to Grayson’s,” Katie said. While Hannah and Grayson did not share any noticeable features, she was sure they may be related somehow. As you can see from the picture below, they do indeed look quite different, but clearly share a sibling-like affection for one another.
