Sharing Her Experience
Katie has been sharing her incredible story on various social media platforms, and she is also utilizing the opportunity to promote her business as well. There are plenty of mothers and potential parents out there who would greatly benefit from her story and tips. While posting updates on both Instagram and Facebook, she also posts about her journey on her website. Her blogs tell of her charming talents, such as renovations and interior design.

Sharing Her Experience
Adoption Has Changed Her Life
Katie has expressed her incredible journey of adoption and feels the experience has truly changed her life for the best. Her life may not be perfect or east, although there is no doubt that her three children have brought her an abundance of love and joy that she would not otherwise have ever felt. “The last 35 years has been far from easy or the ‘perfect’ life, but it has been mine and has always been driven by my ‘CRAZY’ dreams if people only knew how my children have changed mine far more than I could ever have imagined,” Katie explained on her blog.

Adoption Has Changed Her Life