Foster Mom Makes A Discovery That Changes The Lives Of Her Foster Children Forever

Published on 08/12/2019

So Much To Do

Renovating her new home would require a lot of money, and while many would feel intimidated by such a large project, Katie thought it was the perfect solution to keep herself busy and her mind occupied on bettering her life. However, she knew that she was missing something, and despite her marriage ending recently, Katie knew she would be able to stumble upon new opportunities soon enough. Life has a funny way of bringing new possibilities your way when you least expect it.

Keeping Herself Busy

So Much To Do


In Search Of Something New

Despite some understandable hesitation, Katie knew there would be something out there that would give her the new outlook on life she so desperately wanted. This kind of faith is one of the few things that gets one through a dark phase. After already experiencing heartbreaking fertility issues she had searched for other options and considered both adoption and fostering as appropriate options to finally have the family her heart was after.

Searching For Satisfaction

In Search Of Something New