The Perfect Payback For Mean Parkers – No Insurance Policy Cover These

Published on 06/04/2020

Spider Man Lurking Around?

When we come across someone who parks badly, it is imminent that someone will be annoyed by the matter and say something about it. However, the person on the “angry side” didn’t decide to handle it with anger but voice their disappointment instead.

Spider Man Lurking Around

Spider Man Lurking Around

The person wrote a friendly letter with calm words that brought the message across. At the end of the letter, we are sure it must have made the owners chuckle as the letter was signed by a city hero – Spiderman.


Drive the Yellow Line

Following the yellow brick road is easy to handle for many people, but what they fail to realize is that the yellow painted lines are just as important. These persons may have wanted to visit the Land of Oz, but wanted to do so in a modern style.

Drive The Yellow Line

Drive The Yellow Line

The car owner thought it was cool to take up two parking spaces, and the other car owners did not accept it in the parking lot. One of the persons decided to get full revenge and gave the driver of the parked car the line they seem to want to follow on their own.