These Superfoods Can Stop Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, And So Much More

Published on 11/14/2018


Spinach is not only a superfood for cartoon heroes like Popeye! Spinach is so rich in vitamin K that it takes half of a traditional serving, or half-a-cup of this superfood to get five times the recommended daily dose of this vital vitamin! Vitamin K helps prevent blood clots and ensures that your bones grow and stay strong. Spinach tastes great as a salad topper or as a salad base, and this leafy green is high in fiber, lutein, folate, and potassium. This means that your next meal with spinach will be guarding you against heart disease.





Strawberries make up the cornerstone of many breakfast foods, snacks, and desserts. This delicious red superfruit is great for satisfying your sweet tooth and is also high in vitamin C, folate, and other heart-healthy nutrients and minerals. Because they have a low-calorie density, they’re a great addition to any weight loss diet. Scientists have also found that strawberries both help widen arteries and reduce plaque build-up to help your heart to beat with vigor and strength.

