Red Wine
For those of us who already enjoy that glass of wine at the end of a long day, rest easy knowing this habit is extremely good for your body! In fact, in moderate amounts (key word, moderate!!!), experts have found that red wine can help increase HDL levels and stop the build-up of cholesterol. Red wine is also rich in antioxidants that break up impending blood clots and keep frightening conditions like coronary heart disease at bay. So next time you break out that corkscrew, just remind yourself that it’s all for your heart.

Red Wine
We have some good news for all you chocolate lovers out there! We all know this sweet treat helps with our mood, but did you know that it also helps reduce the chance of heart disease and strokes? A new study from Harvard found that people who regularly ingested raw cocoa showed absolutely no signs of hypertension and in fact, their blood pressure reduced! This is because dark chocolate has an antioxidant called flavnols, and eating a small and regular amount can lower blood pressure and lower the chances of heart-related diseases. Reminding you that this does not mean sugary candy bars, but high content cocoa, and dark chocolate often still contains high levels of white sugar, which can do the opposite of what we are trying to achieve here!
