13 Year Old Boy-Builder, Luke Thill, Builds His Own House for Under 1,500 Dollars!

Published on 12/16/2018

In The Family

Luke even inspired his brother, Cole, to follow in his footsteps and create his own compact camper home. And just like Luke did with his tiny home, Cole also used a lot of recycled and reclaimed materials to make his camper. Cole also developed a budget plan and shared his journey on YouTube. But Cole had one advantage that Luke didn’t have when he embarked on his project – a brother with the indispensable experience to help him achieve his goal!

In The Family

In The Family


The Story Doesn’t End There…

By now, Luke and Cole’s YouTube channel already has over 9,000 subscribers. Pretty impressive! Their channel has now expanded to include a focus on other people’s projects beyond their own – which includes a feature on his their mom’s renovations; a sheep herder’s wagon and a 1972 camper. What a creative family!

But Wait Theres More

The Story Doesn’t End There…