13 Year Old Boy-Builder, Luke Thill, Builds His Own House for Under 1,500 Dollars!

Published on 12/16/2018

The New “In”

Tiny homes, usually less than 500 square feet, are actually becoming quite popular nowadays! Renee McLaughlin is actually the organizer of TinyFest Midwest and she invited Luke Thill to be a guest speaker at the festival. She is over the moon with her tiny home (on wheels!), and doesn’t feel that there is anything to be ashamed of – in fact, the opposite!

The New In

The New “In”


An Affordable Option

Renee says that there may have been people who scoffed at her new life choice but that didn’t deter her – she didn’t want to be under the financial pressure of being a homeowner anymore, and tiny homes seem to be the current most obvious option. “I now own everything outright with no debt,” she said, as well as the benefit of being mobile, “I can move around. It’s nice to know I can just go.” Oh, and Renee definitely demonstrates just how stylish a tiny home can be!

An Affordable Option

An Affordable Option