The Whole Thing Was Creepy
Naturally, the pair hit it off and reside to the fact that they are going to die on the ship. Life is going well until Aurora discovers the truth. Jim is outed as a creep and she regrets the steamy on air kisses that they experienced together. We don’t give away the ending, but irrespective of how it plays out, Jim sentenced his beloved to die on the ship without her consent. In the year 2020, that is so not okay!

The Whole Thing Was Creepy
The Mummy (2017)
A third entry on the list, Tom Cruise is part of another steamy romance in 2017’s The Mummy, opposite Anabelle Wallis. Not to be confused with the Brendan Fraser film, in this cringeworthy story pretty much everything about the movie feels forced. The stereotypical (and somewhat unnecessary) romance really made critics even more upset by the nature of the film, leading to some rotten reviews online. Some things should just stay dead.

The Mummy