Not Their First Kiss
As Jake shared later, this wasn’t the first time the pair had locked lips, as Max had a knack for planting pecks on him during the course of filming all the seasons of the show. In the first season, one of these kisses ended up making the final edit. Learning that his best friend was facing a medical problem, Schmidt loses his nerve and ends up planting a wet one right on Nick’s mouth. While Jake wasn’t exactly a fan of the moment, he learned that he should be prepared for them in the future.

Not Their First Kiss
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
In one of its most epic scenes, Star Wars: The Last Jedi features a moment where Luke has to say goodbye to Leia Fisher. As Mark Hamil walks away, he plants a kiss on the forehead of Carrie Fisher in what is the most memorable part from the film. Mark later said that he did this as a genuine gesture of kindness and that he felt it was the right thing to do in the moment.

Star Wars The Last Jedi