Randy Orton
Net Worth: $11 Million
Randy Orton still competes today and is one of the only ones who has not decided to close this door of his life just yet. He is also a budding actor and has made various appearances on TV to include the ‘That’s Who I Am’ series. He currently performs on the Smackdown brand.

Randy Orton
The actor was implicated in 2007 for using steroids even though he has never commented on the findings to this day. He divorced his first wife, Samantha Speno, in 2013 and got married again in 2015 to Kimberly Kessler.
Net Worth: $14 Million
Edge is the stage name of the former popular wrestler, Adam Joseph Copeland. He left his love for the ring to pursue a career in acting and has also been added to the Hall of Fame.

Copeland has managed to ‘edge’ 31 championship titles and launched his autobiography writing in 2004 titled Adam Copeland on Edge. To the surprise of many, Edge publicly noted his hatred for cigarettes and said it stemmed from the moment he decided to try one as a teenager and didn’t see the craze about it.