Antique Roadshow Lovers Stumped At The Value Of A Veterans Old Watch

Published on 04/30/2020

Some Disagree

Not everybody online agrees with the appraisal done by Peter Planes. Among the comments are, “The watch has obviously been worn.” “There are many scuffs on the band and a light scratch on the front. How is it being called never-worn, new old stock?” It didn’t take long for a couple more people to also voice their agreement of the disagreements.

Some Disagree

Some Disagree


Negative Opinions

Someone also added, “The sticker and clasp show at least a year of frequent wear, so you can’t call it new old stock/no wear like this appraiser does. Those stickers don’t get like that from sitting in a locked box.” Another user stated, “total amateur hour by the ‘appraiser.’”

Negative Opinions

Negative Opinions