The Mystery Lying Beneath A Missing WWII Submarine And Its Crew Members Unraveled

Published on 03/10/2020

Building Minerve

In 1957, the French naval authorities ordered Minerve from shipbuilders Chantiers Dubigeon, who started the initial construction in May, the next year. The works took place at Île de Nantes, an island on the River Loire in the manufacturer’s shipyard. This area is located in the city of Nantes. While the place is no longer serving the military, it has plenty of abandoned military and naval complexes which serve as testaments to the militarized Cold War era.

Building Minerve

Building Minerve


Testing Minerve for the First Time

On May 31, 1961, Minerve was launched – three years after the construction phase began. The French navy and government held high hopes for the submarine, using this opportunity as a sort of globally appealing marketing event. It went on a little sail mission to achieve two core purposes. When a ship is newly launched, it should sail so mariners can test and understand the full specs and operation of the craft. Another reason include being able to test to see if everything is okay with the craft for when it goes on the battlefield.

Testing Minerve For The First Time

Testing Minerve For The First Time