Patroling Enemy Territory
The submarine also went in close range to the coast of Saipan, a Japanese territory. The patrol lasted around three weeks and had a series of “hide and seek” game with a Japanese submarine. The Japanese boat sent out two torpedo missiles at the Grayback, and though she missed it, she was unable to recover fast enough to return fire. This was the crew’s first proper confrontation with an enemy submarine.

Patroling Enemy Territory
Dodging the Enemy’s Attack
While still on the cruise, she managed to escape from other enemy ships while sinking one in the process – a 3.291-ton sub. On her second voyage, nothing major took place, and she ended up docking at Fremantle. For most of the remainder of her career, she was docked at this base in Western Australia. The Grayback was welcomed back to rousing cheering and celebration, its crew lauded as heroes.

Dodging The Enemys Attack