Olivia Culpo And Christian McCaffrey
What does it take to win on the field and off? Well, Christian McCaffrey can give you a crash course. In 2019 he accounted for 43% of all the offensive yards for the Carolina Panthers. The largest percentage of any NFL player. A regular league MVP. He’s just as successful off the field. You only need to look at his girlfriend, Olvia Culpo. She’s a former Miss USA and Miss Universe! A real nice “catch”!

Olivia Culpo And Christian McCaffrey
Bachelor Jimmy Garoppolo
Not everyone on this list is part of a power couple, but Jimmy Garoppolo deserves his own spot. He’s considered one of the NFL’s best-looking quarterbacks, and he doesn’t let his looks go to waste. None of his relationships have lasted long, but he’s dated some real winners. His exes include Instagram model Alexandra King, and actress Kiara Mia. That said, Garoppolo is a little paparazzi shy and likes to keep his personal life private.

Bachelor Jimmy Garoppolo