Favorite “You Only Had One Job but Failed!” Moments

Published on 11/14/2019

It’s Candy That’s What Counts

Although they are advertised as ring-pops but they seem like they are not, they actually are! Just the DIY kind, allowing for some arts and crafts in the process of candy eating too. It encouraged kids to make their own candy rings with the stems of regular lollipops. Soo Creative!

It Is Candy That Is What Counts

It Is Candy That Is What Counts

Or maybe not, and somebody just thought what the heck no one will notice the contents look nothing like the huge sign and pictures on the side of the box – candy is candy! How little they know children!


Tip Me

Tip Me

Tip Me

Seeing as this is a hotel loading zone, even the light thought ‘wait a minute why am I doing all this work for nothing in return?! I want to be tipped too!’ so they put their hand out every time someone tries to cross the road.