Matthew McConaughey At A Young Age
The stars of the early days do grow up and become the men and women they are today. Some are no longer trodding in the early career they chose while others are doing so. Here we have a young Matthew McConaughey being arrested in 1999 for having marijuana on his person. Even though it was contraband, Matthew still was trying to resist arrest (yeah, while in his birthday suit). After the whole ordeal, he was asked in an interview whether he regretted the whole action, to which he said he didn’t see what he did wrong. He even joked about the whole experience as if it was really nothing.

Matthew McConaughey At A Young Age
Salma Hayek In 1995 Casting Polaroid
Salma Hayek was already a star in her home country Mexico before she graced the screens and entered Americans’ homes during the 1990s. Her journey into Hollywood was never the smoothest, but she persevered to become who she is today. Her hard work and dedication landed her major roles in films such as Desperado, From Dusk ‘Til Dawn, and she also got roles in five other popular films from Robert Rodriguez. Her class, poise, and character brought some level of diversity to Hollywood.

Salma Hayek In 1995 Casting Polaroid