Elon Musk At Queen’s University
This picture of Elon Musk was when he was 18 years old and was taken after he migrated to Canada from South Africa. After getting accepted to Queen’s University, Musk’s roommate, Navaid Farooq, had to help him get used to the Canadian lifestyle. To help him get around and manage his finances, Musk fixed and sold computer parts, saying he could easily customize a system to his client’s needs. He noted he could solve any computer problems, even then. Who knew how far that would take him!

Elon Musk At Queens University
Winona Ryder Getting Arrested For Theft
A lot of us know the actress Winona Ryder and have come to love her over time. However, back in the ’90s, she hit the tabloids negatively when it was reported that she was caught stealing. The items’ values added up to $5500 and were described as designer clothing and accessories, which she stole from Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills. The consequences of her actions attracted a lot of punishments, including paying over $6255 to Saks for retribution, 480 hours of community service, three years probation, and $3700 in fines.

Winona Ryder Getting Arrested For Theft