The Record Collector’s Guide To The Most Lucrative Vinyl In The Market

Published on 02/16/2021

Depeche Mode – Music for the Masses

Music for the Masses by Depeche Mode has launched into novel intrigue thanks to its cover, which has a dramatic sunrise framing a red speakerphone set, complete with an orange border. After Depeche Mode’s label realized that it had distributed the record, it soon stopped its short-lived production. Fans of the band can now capitalize on this mistake, as this vinyl goes for around $4,600 today. What was a blunder for the record label became a major success for dedicated record collectors.

Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode


Misfits – Legacy of Brutality (1985)

Seeing as there are just 16 prints of this Misfits record in existence, you will need to pay a hefty sum if you want to add it to your punk rock record collection. So, why are there just over one dozen copies of Legacy of Brutality in the world? It was thanks to the band’s former lead singer’s lawsuit. Glen Danzig rapidly ordered a halt to this album’s production after he discovered that it had been distributed free of his blessing. Speaking of blessings, you could earn $5,000 if you managed to snag one of these obscure records.

