Retiring With $150K: Top 20 Amazing Places To Consider

Published on 11/20/2019

#1 Costa Rica

Costa Rica is by far the most affordable retirement destination in the world and as the country is safe, politically stable, and drenched in beautiful forests and gorgeous beaches, you may find it the most suitable decision to retire in Costa Rica. General living costs can be estimated at a total of $1,000 per month which will include comfortable accommodation near the beach, food, and other necessities.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica

Costa Rica provides a Pensionado program for retired individuals to take advantage of and while you will need to prove that you have a monthly income of $1,000 at least, the retirement program ensures you various benefits and discounts. You will be required to purchase into the public health care system, although, you do also have the option of private health care by purchasing private health care insurance.

Costa Rice is a great place to retire, the next places are the editor choice. You have to consider them as well.


Scottsdale, Arizona

As you can see, this is a dry and arid place with plenty of desertous and mountainous adventuring to do for those with a penchant

Scottsdale Arizona

Scottsdale Arizona

The scenery is Scottsdale is something you will surely never tire of and the small population will ensure you can get that peaceful retirement you have earned. The sunny weather takes over most of the year so you won’t have to deal with the cold and tons of snow.