Retiring With $150K: Top 20 Amazing Places To Consider

Published on 11/20/2019

#15 Ireland

Ireland may be well-known for its exquisite castles, although, the land is also packed with affordable accommodation. The locals are pleasant and friendly which will make living here an absolute pleasure too. In addition to this, you will also be able to visit the United Kingdom and Europe as neighboring countries.
You may want to avoid the pricey locations such as Dublin as areas such as County Mayo and Roscommon are far more affordable. Purchasing a home in these pocket-friendly areas will cost you less than $100,000.



The health care in Ireland is more than decent and you will be able to take advantage of modern, well-equipped hospitals should the need arise. However, you may need to purchase health insurance if you are not a citizen of the European Union.
As there is no retirement visa for this destination you will need a “D” class visa that will gain your residency in the region for three months. Thereafter, you will be able to apply to be considered a “person of independent means.” During this process, you will be required to provide proof of financial stability and an annual income of roughly $58,000. This is relevant to one person only, which means that couples retiring together will each need to prove such financial stability.


#14 Chile

Chile is known for its friendly welcoming locals and enchanting beachfront while the incredible mountain views offer amazing scenery. Furthermore, the pleasant weather makes it a most appropriate retirement destination. The country is also known for pleasingly low crime rates as well.
Retiring here will cost you around $1,000 each month which will pay for your accommodation and general necessities. If you can add a couple hundred to the amount, you will also be able to enjoy eating out a few days each month.



You can visit the country with the use of a regular visa and once you have arrived you will then be able to change over to a retirement visa or an income visa. This will allow you residency for one full year. However, after visiting the country for a total of 180 days you will be able to apply for permanent residency if you so wish.
Chile is a great choice for retirement on a tight budget as there are no minimum income requirements to acquire residency.