The Best Sporting Moments Caught on Camera, Where Timing is Everything!

Published on 11/14/2018

An Inspiration

Tao Porchon-Lynch was born on August 13, 1918, and yes, she is 100 years old! The inspiring Yoga master has been practicing yoga for over 92 years! Take a moment, breathe, look again at the pictures and be inspired! If you would like to live an incredibly long, healthy, and strong life, you could take some pages out of this woman’s yoga manual. It won’t be easy, but you will thank yourself when you reach her age!

An Insperation

An Inspiration



We bet anyone who has been concentrating hard won’t be able to stop themselves from making faces like this! At any rate, it sure looks like an intense match. While many sports fans that prefer watching rugby or powerlifting may underestimate the amount of skill, reflexes, and raw athleticism that goes into professional ping-pong. Or is this table tennis? We struggle to tell the difference, generally playing that thrilling variety with cups…

