Shaquille O’Neal (Unspecified Amount)
What sports list would be complete without the illustrious Shaq?! Although it’s impossible to figure out how much he earns between his work on TNT and ‘Inside The NBA’, commentators suggest that we’re looking at a seven figure salary. The NBA icon isn’t chasing money, however. He has regularly turned down gigs that didn’t serve his vision to inspire others, and continues to be one of the nicest guys in broadcasting to this very day.

Shaquille O Neal Unspecified Amount
Charissa Thompson ($1 000 000)
It pays to have a great personality, and Charissa Thompson is one of those sportscasters that radiates charisma whenever she’s in front of a camera. Although she works for Fox these days, she has also done her rounds of the big networks, landing gigs at three of them before ending up where she is today. It seems her sparkly personality was noticed by the entertainment industry as well. She has done some entertainment reporting too.

Charissa Thompson 1 000 000 Dollars